Miss Seeton — Scotland Yard secret messages to optical field agents of the British Empire

After you read the post below, visit SITE MAP-3 for access to several hundred POSTS that help explain the Theory of Everything …. which includes you and your associations.



The CIA, MI6 and Scotland Yard and other organizations use various communication methods to SEND messages out to the field. In modern times, in year 2012, such institutions have a official position in society ….with an official description of their functions and reponsibilities.
All such institutions …provide examples, templates, models of information structure with spies,
agents, chief inspectors, police captains, etc.

An   optical systems message ….. page 47 of –>

Miss Seeton at the Helm …in other words
Miss See ….look very closely …at the translated SIGNALS.

seepage 47 bottom seeton


Above, the human bio-computer messages. Humans are biology, optical, and audio computers. Have been for thousands of years.
The design and building of copper-write computers between 1950 and 1984 …the main frame HOST systems…like the system 370 with OS/JCL SNA VTAM ….are in some sense…mirrors of our bio-computer system and our bio-optical symbolic processor. Supersymmetry physics, the theory of mirrors and parallels helps us understand the modern PC situation in year 2012.


Copper-wire PC = Personal computer with DOS sotware and electricity / voltage
Biological PC = Person Computer with coffee, sandwiches and Voltaire philosophy

Example —. system 370 with OS/JCL SNA VTAM ….are in some sense…mirrors of our bio-computer system such as

the KING of Norway system …born in year 1937 with OS/JCL –> OSLO and their IMS biological database programming ERROR resulting the the physical DELETE of the IMS biology child records at UTOEYA. Europe universites deny that this possible ….since they are SUPERIOR to the UTOE = Unfied Theory of Everything and its various forces and components.


Above keywords….see the MISS SEETON page 47 BOTTOM of page …the word secrets as suugested by the
tragic EVENT of OC = OPTIC war –> Oak Creek Sikh temple shooting with Wade Micheal PAGE signal ……….such as cellulose PAGE 47 for Scotland Yard bio-optical human computer devices …that ought recognize the SHERLOCK HOLMES signals of MR.PAGE and his Holmes Street address in Wisconsin..

bit –> data bit

cross –> suggest that your mind do some cross-correlation thinking….such as the description given above about yourself ..and your eye/optical symboilic data procesdor and its needed input symbols from math and biochemistry textbooks. Now this LINKS to INTERPOOL –> which stands for the INTERPOLATION process…… give a set of empirical data points of a CRIMINAL EVENT ……. use the math experimental staistical processes of interpolation and extrapolation …to help build a MODEL of the crime EVENT ……..

and then go to the astrophysics galactic LOCAL REGION (Planet Earth) crime scene ..
that is the EDGE of criminal knowledge and look beyond ….at the EVENT Horizon ….. is anything NEW visibile ……per orders of the HAWK and his symbolic double-helix GIBBONS. .

This process with Cambridge DAMTP with Nick Manton theory of SKY applied to harmonic waves agent Lewin.SKY.

Mathematicians …some are special algebra subset agents for..
………………..cia ns –> cia n-space……


Thus the MISS SEETON –> See agent MAN with the weighted average label: TON …..

Nick Manton

nick manton

Nicholas Stephen Manton is a mathematician at the University of Cambridge whose work has mostly concerned solitons in particle physics. He is perhaps best known for his paper on sphalerons and for his work on the interaction of BPS monopoles

BPS –> Base Pair Systems …..

BPS …..helps explain the British Petroleum SPILL in G region …the G = universal gravitational constant hydrocarbon interacion region of the GULF of Mexico ……the interaction of 2 diffrent formats of hydrocarbon existential structure: oil and humans.


In addition …the theory helps explain ………………

These solitons are called Skyrmions, and they have very interesting polyhedral shapes. Improvements in computational power as well as mathematical insight has made it possible to construct and quantize Skyrmions as large.

Thus the World TRADE CENTER …….a SKY RM —-> Sky rooms —-> Skyscraper concrete/ iron/glass building is large ……..hence the SEpt 11, 2001 BATTLE of SKYrmions …as predicted by the MAN –> Manton math calculations about MAN –> Manhattan.

MONICA Lewinsky …..that is ..in science words……Harrm of Harmonica waves…..via feamle human messenger with President CLINTON …. ….. Harmonica Monica (Benjamin Lewin genetics) of the SKY/astronomy agent LewinSKY with Ken STAR astronomy laywer with proper noun Ken STARR. Thus the NICK Manton theory and Monica Lewinsky / CLINTON empirical data DISPLAY provided advanced warning by 4 years to NASA and the CIA about the plane geometry math PLANE attack of SEP 11, 2001. But….these things require anaysis of other things besides pizza menus and televsion programm schedules.



He’s a ghastly old bore. Common as dirt –> reference to BP = Earth geology and organic molecule /genetics Base Pair agent –> BP = British Petroleum and their drilling BORES into soil/ earth’s mantle …thus the gas/oil LEAK in the Gulf of Mexico provides data for the astrophysics achaeology RESEARCH PROJECT of Mary and L.S.B. Leakey …… .the information ZINjAN skull …..SYMBOLIC EXTENSION and the information LEAK provided by the DEEP UNDERCOVER project of the British Empire known as DEEP WATER Horizon.




At Scotland Yard —>


At S…..land
ATlas …LAND …..the Earth government of Nature …has its version of SCOTLAND YARD in other dimensions of the 11-dimensions of string theory geo-physics. The Scotlanf Yard known to the public has access to 3 or 4 dimensions of 11-knoewn dimensions of REALITY …as first suggested by the muti-faceted dinesions of Sartr existentialism.


Mobile –> reference to MOBILE hydrocarbon business organization with electron
orbitals in algebra subset format =
o…i….l = oil and its by-product MOBILE gasoline …sold thru retail gasoline stations in North America.




features now registered –> Computer Earth system 370 BASE registers for the North Europe BAL region…..the geo-computer region of BAL = Basic Assembler Language knwon as the BAL TIC.
The BALTIC agriculture farm regions …have …. over thousand years…supplied food for the humans ….to help them develop the eye BIO-OPTICAL advanced system know as the —>
eye + BAL + TIC –> thus the eye.BALL with TICK/TOCK ..the brain clock Thus we see ….at the atomic / biochemistry/ optical nerve level within humans …Nature has many biology and symbolic alphabet projects in the works.


Thus, a book like ” Miss SEETON” by Hampton Charles (DARWIN) expresses the current stage of Darwinian symbolic evolution of nous, verbs, math equations, chemistry formula VIA human carrier / the human information vehicles / the human expressor f—> social chemistry expressors of such math,physics, and atomic bio-physics ENGLISH language concepts..


The title ” Miss Seetom at the Helm” –> reference to the optical war of television broadcast manipulation ERRORS and magazines color TRICKS. Nature’s eye/brain has an optical military defence system …….that has been activated around the world.


Above we see 2 ports ….symbolic of 2 eye input data ports to the brain photon processor.
The white ship …..represents the white light optical spectrum and its its black ink images of English nouns and algebra equations ….. a life form known as symbolic life inside the brain optical computer.

Blue –> Blue eye of the IBM BIG BLUE optical bio-computer system.
BLUE = Base LU –> Base Logical Unit

Military codes ” SEE of Miss SEETON ” –> OC = OptiC war such as the OC = Oak Creek Wisconsin shooting at S = Spectrum inside the temple/brain –> at external location the SiKH temple/ concrete building.
Thus we see HERBERT Spencers year 1872 reference to Internal/external adjustments ……. in the year 2012 ADJUSTMENTS tragedy example —> with the internal SIKH brain Symbolic building … temple/skull/cortex external Sikh temple wood/concrete building in OC region, Wisconsin ….learn how to read PAGE from sherlock HOLMES .


The tragic event details….

Wade Michael Page, 40, is the man who allegedly attacked the Sikh Temple in
scene at E. Holmes Ave. in Cudahy, where police were searching a house into the first 30 minutes of the Oak Creek Sikh Temple shooting.

Page 40 —> astrophysics PAGE from EARTH LAB  bio-math year 1940 …the  bio.log.y –> log y —> logarithms of Logan, UTAH …do not appear on the communications screen.    Is CALTECH  aware of the SCIENCE WARS?

Thus we see the SherLOCK Holmes ….English language…symbolic house of nouns, verbs, equations, engineering models, ……. the indirect message delivery system of Nature’s optics process ..known as symbolism …

Merriam- Webster dictionary

the art or practice of using symbols especially by investing things with a symbolic meaning or by expressing the invisible or intangible by means of visible or


Above…..we see the EM –> ElectroMagnetic signals used by EM = Electromagnetic human life formats known as EMPLOYES and EM.basssy diplomats ……of the stange world of the CITY of light …that travels at 186.000 miles per second …..that is the CITY within the word —> veloCITY. Universities are ..in year 2012 …optical prisoners of the Solar System PHOTON WARS …they are allowed to communicate ….but choose IGNORE serious matters of television broadcast ERRORS.

Above…the Royal Ac –> 60 cycles of Alternating Current with 120 Votes of Voltaire …of Hertzian wave life and thoughts.

Above …twenty-minute —> twenty- twenty vision needed by the 20 standard amino acids in




Codes” SEETON at the HELM ” –> Socrates WAR ..the modern revenge for the ancient Hemlock poison murder of an intellectual.

Equation Socrates =S + ocr –> Spectrun optical character readers ….. in biology format …such as in ancient Greek langauge times with Socrates , Plato. etc.

The TRIAL of Socrates –> in modern terms –>

The Trial of  S + oc –>

Spectrum  Oak Creek
Spectrum  Oklahoma City 
Spectrum  Oceania Cole –> George Orwell and Northern ILL/sick Noise universel
Spetcrum –> Virginia TECH ENGLISH   class 101  ..how to give BASE 16 Hexadecimal  BS explanations about April 16

The TRIAL of Socrates


Continuing….the CIA, MI6, Scotland Yard …..


These visible organizations have their headquarter buildings, investigators, analysts, office clerks and secretaries. The secret of secret.aries is that they are agents for Nature’s intellect. Nature has many projects which involve subset humans and their subset institutions.


Nature and its  subset atomic bio-physics humanoid institutions.


Above we see a 4-wheeled computer device known as a data bus ….. that collects the 4 DNA information nucleotides from humanoid bio-computers that leave Scotland Yard and catch the BUS …..that is CATCH the DATA BUS ….. part of the city’s bio-computer INTERNET communications bus system ……. designed over 100 years ago as a bio-communications bridge ……. that was an extension of a cam.BRIDGE processing systems of those days.



Thus in sense, Nature considers the CIA, MI6, and Scotland Yard as agents of Nature. Thus we see a dual role: the institutions do their conscious MIND thing in the traditional manner AND Nature’s uses their Carl Jung collective unconsious MIND OR their eye/optical nerve symbolic preocess to work for NATURE’s projects. Nature is aware of the many LEVELS of thought…. the human forehead is basically aware of 1 LEVEL …. with people like SIGNAL Freud and Maslow aware of the levels/ the hierarchy.


Let’s continue with MISS SEETON signals.

seepage 1 bottom


Abive …we see the SKYrmions signal to Nick Manton at Cambridge …….SKY messages to astrophysics galactic LOCAL REGION (Planet Earth) agents at DAMPT and CALTECH and Harvard-Smithsonian Astrophysics.


words –> Spassky’ the vicar had seized every op – port –> had seized every optic nerve I/O data port …..photon processor.

Thus we see the capture of British universities in the OPTIC WAR ….by their BRAVE NEW WORLD intellectual coward reponse …….to not analyze anything …such as the George Orwell OCEANIA propaganda BATTLE at Cole Hall oceanography class, DeKalb, Illi nois(e). The failure to help understand the OS = Optical Spectrum battle in OSLO resulted in the UTOEYA tragedy.
The LUNG = LU + NG = Logical Unit Norwegian Government lacks the awarenes and lacks the desire to understand the REALTIES of the modern world.


The above words …….
Spassky –> Spa + ss + sky + key –> Space solar system sky key

Russian –> Solar System 370 computer with 9 planets (8 data bit planets + 1 error checking bit)
Russian –> Solar System architecture VTAM RU SSI AN –> Request Unit BAL SSI instruction format Alpha/numeric

Thus we recognize the Solar System information processor …that is photons and BOTANY process of photosynthesis ……..
Photon + syntax + thesis (Nature’s cellulose essay in photonic language …such as used by the BAL: = Basic Assembler Language CHristmas decison trees of the BAL data procesing LAND ….LANDAU geo-physics region knoiwn as the BALTIC.

Above….we see the key word CONCEPTS:

Spassky …Russian Mr.TREE VES = Vector Space

Evergreen tree STAND ….a forest ….with its Base 16 language of HEX’Fo’ = 240 = Forest that …… thru the FOOD systems created human newspaper reporters with a FORE (ST) extension …known as a FORE.HEAD.


Thus the evergreen TREE stand communications pathway …that eventually resulted in the EVE –> EVENING Standard nerwspaper. Perhaps, someday MR.WOOD might explain these concepts of REALITY …using the name of BOB Woodward of the Washington Post ……… that prints many incomplete explanations of major events.

Thus we see that Stephen Hawking and Nick Manton …. also, are undercover astrophysics EARTH LAB ….CIA agents working on mathematical-physics criminal activities VIA humanoid bio-math structures ……… WALL Street financial math such as HEDGE funds …….. H + EDGE –> Hawking at the Edge of the optical universe ..known as the EVENT Horizon..
Does money disappear into a black hole … known as some financial institution collapse.


Thus we have the U.S.Navy YES- MEN in YE-men with the U.S.S. Cole incident of
OC = Optic signal of October year of 20/ 20 vision …that is OCT 2000.

The Attack on the USS COLE in Yemen on October 12, 2000
The Attack on the USA COLE in Yes-men  Oceania class at NIL university.

The message was repeated at U.S.A Cole Hall ocean ship classroom.

Thus we see the BRAVE NEW WORLD battles ……..the physical violence is an expression of the underlying social pscyhology wars in the Carl Jung atomic/ molecular collective continuum of the human species. Russell/Whitehead already covered the species problem in the year 1910 …… theory of featherless bipeds………in modern times ..
.the UNIVERSE of Chicago + Kennedy expresway to O’hare airport –> CHIC + Ken + airport –> intellectual chickens that can fly away from the modern SOCIAL SCIENCE Wars

page 83 messages


page 91 CLUES

seepage 91 top

page 92 …ZINJAN ——->optical archaeology …digging inside books and the optical information data stream.


page 166

Thus we see….thru MISS SEETON –> optical computer MISS = Management Information Social Schemes of

Miss Seeton photon PU = Processing Unit of human eye/ optical nerve VIA the system component PU = Publication industry that thinks that they control NATURE’s eye/brain symbolic processor. Television has the worst attitude problem. The American FCC allows television to broadcast optical attacks on the Central Nervous System 370 abstract brain symbolic computer …………….. and SHERLOCK HOLMES and DR.WATSON (1955 version DNA and IBM) …symbolic life of proper nouns inside the optical brain CITY of thoughts……… has ordered Counter-attacks in American dirty photon tricks society…hence,

Sherlock Holmes ordered attack –> Hollywood optical COLOR movies …Aurora, Color war in COLORADO with James Holmes.

Sherlock Holmes in Milwaukee Wisconsin —> Oak Creek shooting with MR.PAGE from Nature’s Master brain engineering project profile……the MASTER Sherlock = S + Her + Lock ——> Spectrum Hertzian (Brain) LOCK –> system 370 applications signaling BLOCK .. . . . . . . . .

The Sikh Temple shooting —> symbolic of interior brain war ..the cortex/ skull/ temple  bio-computer system 370 WAR  …… the last signal from MR. Wade Micheal Page  and his residence  in 3700  Data BLOCK of Holmes Street  in Cu atom mass 63 with 29 electrons  (Earth copper atom field) –> that is the city of Cu = CuDAHY, Wisconsin is  a supersymmetry  city to the COMPUTER EARTH  IBM system 370   electron city  of element Cu –>  CITY  of  electri.CITY.
Thus Wisconsin CITY Cu (CuDAHY)   equates  to   atomic CITY life of  29 Cu 63.


Internet —> SIKH community seeks answers


Amateur radio call signs of Oceania – Wikipedia, 

call_signs_of_Oceania —> GEORGE ORWELL and 1984 messages 

Amateur radio or ham radio call signs are unique identifiers for more than 2,500 licensed operators KA#, KB6, KC#, KG, USA Islands, standard US prefix, KH# .

Thus we have General Carter HAM from  the EURO region of Europe …now at Fort Hood shooting inquiry.     Also, inquire about the OCEANIA class shooting at COLE HALL.


Miss Seeton — the Scotland Yard secret messages to optical field agents

RD-blog-number-2287 by Herb Zinser

The CIA, MI6 and Scotland Yard and other organizations use various communication methods to SEND messages out to the field. In modern times, in year 2012, such institutions have a official position in society ….with an official description of their functions and reponsibilities.
All such institutions …provide examples, templates, models of information structure with spies,
agents, chief inspectors, police captains, etc.

A SCOTLAND YARD optical systems message ….. page 47 of –>
Miss Seeton at the Helm …in other words
Miss See ….look very closely …at the translated SIGNALS.

seepage 47 bottom seeton

Above, the human bio-computer messages.  Humans are biology,  optical, and audio computers. Have been for thousands of years.
The design  and building  of copper-write computers  between 1950 and 1984 …the main frame HOST systems…like the system 370 with OS/JCL SNA VTAM ….are in some sense…mirrors of our bio-computer system and our bio-optical symbolic processor. Supersymmetry physics, the theory of mirrors and parallels helps us understand  the modern PC situation in year 2012.

Copper-wire PC = Personal computer with DOS sotware and  electricity / voltage
Biological      PC = Person Computer  with coffee, sandwiches and Voltaire philosophy

Example —. system 370 with OS/JCL SNA VTAM ….are in some sense…mirrors of our bio-computer system such as
the KING of Norway system …born in year 1937 with OS/JCL –> OSLO  and their IMS biological database programming ERROR resulting the the physical DELETE of the IMS biology child records at UTOEYA.  Europe universites deny that this possible ….since they are SUPERIOR to the UTOE = Unfied Theory of Everything and its various forces and components.

Above keywords….see the MISS SEETON page 47 BOTTOM of page …the word secrets as suugested by the
tragic  EVENT of OC = OPTIC  war –> Oak Creek Sikh temple shooting  with Wade Micheal PAGE signal ……….such as cellulose PAGE  47  for Scotland Yard  bio-optical human computer devices …that ought recognize the SHERLOCK HOLMES signals of MR.PAGE and his Holmes Street address in Wisconsin..

bit –> data bit

cross –> suggest that your mind do some cross-correlation thinking….such as the description given above about yourself ..and your eye/optical symboilic data procesdor and its needed input symbols from math and biochemistry textbooks. Now this LINKS to INTERPOOL –> which stands for  the INTERPOLATION  process…… give a set of empirical data points of a CRIMINAL EVENT ……. use the math experimental  staistical processes of interpolation  and extrapolation  …to help build a MODEL of the crime EVENT ……..
and then go to the astrophysics  galactic LOCAL REGION (Planet Earth) crime scene ..
that is the EDGE of criminal knowledge and look beyond ….at the EVENT Horizon  ….. is anything NEW visibile ……per orders of the HAWK and his symbolic double-helix GIBBONS.   .

This process with  Cambridge DAMTP  with Nick Manton theory of SKY applied to harmonic waves agent  Lewin.SKY.
Mathematicians  …some are special algebra subset agents for..
………………..cia ns –> cia n-space……

Thus the MISS SEETON –> See agent  MAN with the weighted average label:  TON …….

Nick Manton

nick manton

Nicholas Stephen Manton is a mathematician at the University of Cambridge whose work has mostly concerned solitons in particle physics. He is perhaps best known for his paper on sphalerons and for his work on the interaction of BPS monopoles. Wikipedia ………BPS  –> Base Pair Systems …..
BPS …..helps explain the British Petroleum SPILL in G region …the G = universal gravitational constant hydrocarbon interacion region of the GULF   of Mexico ……the interaction of 2 diffrent formats of hydrocarbon existential structure:  oil and humans.
In addition …the theory helps explain ………………
These solitons are called Skyrmions, and they have very interesting polyhedral shapes. Improvements in computational power as well as mathematical insight has made it possible to construct and quantize Skyrmions as large.
Thus the World TRADE CENTER  …….a SKY RM —-> Sky rooms —-> Skyscraper concrete/ iron/glass building is large ……..hence the SEpt 11, 2001 BATTLE of SKYrmions …as predicted by the MAN –>  Manton math calculations about MAN –> Manhattan.

MONICA Lewinsky  …..that is ..in science words……Harrm of Harmonica waves…..via feamle human messenger with President CLINTON …. ….. Harmonica  Monica   (Benjamin Lewin genetics)   of the SKY/astronomy agent    LewinSKY with  Ken STAR astronomy laywer  with proper noun Ken STARR.   Thus the NICK Manton theory and Monica Lewinsky / CLINTON empirical data  DISPLAY  provided advanced   warning by 4 years to NASA and the CIA about the plane geometry math  PLANE attack of SEP 11, 2001.   But….these things require anaysis of other things besides pizza menus and televsion programm schedules.

Other  Miss SEETON CLUES….

He’s a ghastly old bore. Common as dirt –> reference to BP = Earth geology and organic molecule /genetics Base Pair agent –> BP = British Petroleum and their drilling BORES into soil/ earth’s mantle …thus the gas/oil  LEAK in the Gulf of Mexico provides data for the astrophysics achaeology  RESEARCH PROJECT of Mary  and    L.S.B. Leakey ……  .the information ZINjAN skull …..SYMBOLIC EXTENSION  and the information LEAK provided by the DEEP UNDERCOVER project of the British Empire known as DEEP WATER Horizon.

At Scotland Yard —>

At S…..land
ATlas …LAND …..the Earth government of Nature …has its version of SCOTLAND YARD in other dimensions of the 11-dimensions of string theory geo-physics.  The Scotlanf Yard known to the public has access to 3 or 4 dimensions of 11-knoewn dimensions of REALITY  …as first suggested by the muti-faceted dinesions of Sartr existentialism.

Mobile –> reference to MOBILE hydrocarbon business organization with electron
orbitals in algebra subset format =
o…i….l   = oil and its by-product MOBILE gasoline …sold thru  retail gasoline stations in North America.

features now registered –> Computer Earth system 370 BASE registers for the North Europe BAL region…..the geo-computer region of BAL = Basic Assembler Language knwon as the BAL TIC.
The BALTIC agriculture farm regions …have …. over  thousand years…supplied food for the humans  ….to help them develop the   eye  BIO-OPTICAL advanced system know as the —>
eye + BAL + TIC –> thus the eye.BALL with TICK/TOCK ..the brain clock   Thus we see ….at the atomic /   biochemistry/ optical nerve  level within humans …Nature has many  biology and symbolic alphabet projects in the works.
Thus, a book like ” Miss SEETON”  by  Hampton Charles (DARWIN)  expresses the current stage of  Darwinian symbolic evolution of nous, verbs, math equations, chemistry formula  VIA human carrier / the human information vehicles  / the human expressor f—> social chemistry expressors of such math,physics, and atomic bio-physics ENGLISH language  concepts..
The title ” Miss Seetom at the Helm” –> reference to the optical war of television broadcast manipulation ERRORS  and magazines color TRICKS.     Nature’s eye/brain  has an  optical military  defence  system …….that has been activated around the world.

seepage - cover front

Above we see 2 ports ….symbolic of 2 eye input data ports to the brain photon processor.
The white ship …..represents the white light optical spectrum  and its its black ink images of  English nouns and algebra equations  ….. a life form known as symbolic life inside the brain optical computer.

Blue –> Blue eye of the IBM BIG BLUE optical bio-computer system.
BLUE = Base LU –> Base Logical Unit
Military codes  ” SEE of Miss SEETON  ” –> OC = OptiC  war such as the OC = Oak Creek Wisconsin  shooting at S = Spectrum  inside the temple/brain  –> at external location the SiKH temple/ concrete  building.
Thus we see HERBERT Spencers year 1872   reference to Internal/external adjustments …….  in the year 2012 ADJUSTMENTS  tragedy example —> with the internal SIKH brain Symbolic building … temple/skull/cortex    external Sikh temple wood/concrete building in OC region, Wisconsin  ….learn how to read PAGE from sherlock HOLMES .

  1. Shooter identified as Wade Michael Page, 40-year-old Army vet

    Aug 6, 2012 ? Wade Michael Page, 40, is the man who allegedly attacked the Sikh Temple in
    scene at E. Holmes Ave. in Cudahy, where police were searching a house into the first 30 minutes of the Oak Creek Sikh Temple shooting.

Thus we see the SherLOCK  Holmes ….English langauge…symbolic house of nouns, verbs, equations, engineering models,  ……. the indirect message delivery system of Nature’s optics  process ..known as symbolism …

  1. symbolismdefinition of symbolism by the Free Online Dictionary

    sym·bol·ism (s m b -l z m). n. 1. The practice of representing things by means of symbols or of attributing symbolic meanings or significance to objects, events,

  1. SymbolismDefinition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster

    the art or practice of using symbols especially by investing things with a symbolic meaning or by expressing the invisible or intangible by means of visible or

seepage 1 - top

Above…..we see the EM –> ElectroMagnetic signals used by EM = Electromagnetic human life formats known as EMPLOYES and  EM.basssy diplomats ……of the stange world of the CITY of light …that travels at 186.000 miles per second …..that is the CITY within the word  —> veloCITY.   Universities are ..in year 2012 …optical prisoners of the  Solar System PHOTON WARS  …they are allowed to communicate ….but choose IGNORE serious matters of television broadcast  ERRORS.

Above…the Royal  Ac –> 60 cycles of  Alternating Current  with 120 Votes of Voltaire …of  Hertzian wave life and thoughts.

Above …twenty-minute —> twenty- twenty vision needed by the 20 standard amino acids  in
picture - em visible light

Codes” SEETON at the HELM ” –> Socrates WAR ..the modern revenge for the ancient  Hemlock poison murder of an  intellectual.

Equation Socrates =S + ocr –> Spectrun optical character readers  ….. in biology format …such as in ancient Greek langauge times with Socrates , Plato. etc.

  1. Trial of Socrates – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


    Socrates was ultimately sentenced to death by drinking a hemlock-based liquid. Primary sources for accounts of the trial are given by two of Socrates‘ friends,



400 × 260 – The philosopher Socrates about to take poison

hemlock as ordered by the………
…….. lock
………locker room …ink Pen  … Penn State trial  of  PHILOSOPHY  professors via Jerry Sandsky
………lock  ……Lockerbie Scotland  plane crash …revenge of Socartes
Sure  LOCK  and Key model of enymes and symbolic  poison
Sher Lock   Holmes and the tricks of audio,  phonetics . sound commands to the EAR of EARTH

Continuing….the CIA, MI6, Scotland Yard …..
These visible organizations have their headquarter buildings, investigators, analysts, office clerks and secretaries. The secret of secret.aries    is that they are agents for Nature’s intellect. Nature has many projects which involve subset humans and their subset institutions.

750 × 840 – Scotland yard

Above we see a 4-wheeled computer device known as a data bus ….. that collects  the 4 DNA information nucleotides from humanoid bio-computers that leave Scotland  Yard   and catch the BUS  …..that is  CATCH the DATA BUS  ….. part of the city’s bio-computer INTERNET  communications bus system  …….  designed over 100 years ago as a bio-communications bridge      ……. that  was  an extension of  a  cam.BRIDGE  processing systems of those days.

Thus in sense, Nature considers the CIA, MI6, and Scotland Yard as agents of Nature. Thus we see a dual role: the institutions do their conscious MIND thing in the traditional manner AND Nature’s uses their Carl Jung collective unconsious MIND OR their eye/optical nerve symbolic preocess to work for NATURE’s projects. Nature is aware of the many LEVELS of thought…. the human forehead is basically aware of 1 LEVEL …. with people like SIGNAL Freud and Maslow aware of the levels/ the hierarchy.

Thus the book title ” Miss Seeeton at the Helm” also covers the USA people …like

  1. Jesse Helms – Wikipedia, Helms CachedSimilar

    Jesse Alexander Helms, Jr. (October 18, 1921 ? July 4, 2008) was a five-term …… that the CIA had interfered in the Salvadoran election March and May 1984,

  2. United States Agency for International Development – Wikipedia, ../United_States_Agency_for_International_Develo…CachedSimilar

    time by Senator Jesse Helms, the Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations ….. with the CIA, and Agency officers often operated abroad under USAID cover.

The above refers to EL Salvador Dali, the Spanish artist and his ideas in CENTRAL AMERICA……that is the geography map inside the Central America region of the  Central Nervous System.

March referes to Jerry March ADVANCED Organic Chemistry influence —> social  chemistry  activities.

1984  refers to George Orwell and the OCEANIA WAR casualties at  the Cole Hall ocean classroom  –> a SIGNAL for the U.S. Naval Research Lab regarding the intellectual integrity of Washington, DC  water moelcule stories.    Does  the Naval LAB acknowledge the existence of water and oceans in the 11-dimensions of existence of  string theory..
Let’s continue with MISS SEETON signals.

seepage 1 bottom

Abive …we see the SKYrmions signal to Nick Manton at Cambridge …….SKY messages to astrophysics galactic LOCAL REGION (Planet Earth)  agents at DAMPT and CALTECH and Harvard-Smithsonian Astrophysics.

words –> Spassky’   the vicar had seized every op – port –> had  seized every optic nerve  I/O data port …..photon processor.

Thus we see the capture of British universities  in the  OPTIC WAR   ….by their BRAVE NEW WORLD intellectual coward reponse …….to not analyze anything …such as the George Orwell   OCEANIA  propaganda BATTLE  at Cole Hall oceanography class, DeKalb,   Illi nois(e).   The failure to help understand  the OS = Optical Spectrum battle in OSLO  resulted in the UTOEYA tragedy.
The LUNG =  LU + NG  = Logical Unit Norwegian Government   lacks the awarenes and lacks the desire  to understand the REALTIES of the  modern world.
seepage 2 bottom

The above words …….
Spassky –> Spa + ss + sky + key –> Space solar system sky key

Russian –> Solar System 370 computer with 9 planets (8 data bit planets + 1 error checking bit)
Russian –> Solar System architecture VTAM RU SSI AN  –> Request Unit  BAL SSI instruction format Alpha/numeric

Thus we recognize  the Solar System information processor  …that is photons  and BOTANY process of photosynthesis ……..
Photon + syntax + thesis (Nature’s cellulose essay in photonic language …such as used by the BAL: =  Basic Assembler Language CHristmas  decison  trees of the BAL data procesing LAND ….LANDAU geo-physics region knoiwn as the BALTIC.

Above….we see the key word CONCEPTS:

Spassky  …Russian   Mr.TREE VES = Vector Space

Evergreen tree STAND ….a forest ….with its Base 16  language of HEX’Fo’ = 240 = Forest that  …… thru the FOOD systems created human newspaper  reporters   with a FORE (ST)  extension …known as a    FORE.HEAD.

Thus the evergreen TREE  stand communications pathway  …that eventually resulted in the EVE –>  EVENING Standard nerwspaper.      Perhaps, someday  MR.WOOD  might explain these concepts of REALITY …using the name of BOB Woodward of the  Washington Post   ……… that prints many incomplete explanations of major events.
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Thus we see that Stephen Hawking and Nick Manton  …. also, are undercover astrophysics EARTH LAB  ….CIA agents  working on mathematical-physics criminal activities VIA  humanoid  bio-math  structures ……… WALL Street financial   math  such as HEDGE funds …….. H + EDGE –> Hawking at the Edge of the optical universe ..known as the EVENT Horizon..
Does money disappear into a black hole  … known as some financial institution  collapse.

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Thus we have the  U.S.Navy   YES- MEN  in   YE-men  with the U.S.S. Cole incident of
OC = Optic  signal  of  October  year of 20/ 20 vision  …that is OCT 2000.

  1. USS Cole (DDG 67)


    The Attack on the USS COLE in Yemen on October 12, 2000

The message was repeated  at U.S.A Cole Hall ocean ship classroom.
Thus we see the BRAVE NEW WORLD battles ……..the physical violence  is an expression of the underlying social pscyhology wars in the Carl Jung atomic/ molecular collective continuum of the human species.  Russell/Whitehead already covered the species problem  in the year 1910   ……  theory of  featherless  bipeds………in modern times   ..
.the  UNIVERSE of Chicago + Kennedy expresway to O’hare airport  –> CHIC  + Ken + airport –> intellectual chickens that can fly away from  the modern SOCIAL SCIENCE Wars

page 83 messages
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page 91 CLUES

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page 92 …ZINJAN ——->optical archaeology  …digging inside books and the optical information data stream.

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Thus we see….thru MISS SEETON –> optical computer  MISS = Management Information Social Schemes   of
Miss Seeton    photon PU = Processing Unit  of  human eye/ optical nerve   VIA the system component  PU = Publication industry that  thinks that they control  NATURE’s  eye/brain  symbolic processor.  Television has the worst attitude problem.  The American FCC allows  television to  broadcast optical attacks on the Central Nervous System 370 abstract brain symbolic computer   ……………..   and   SHERLOCK HOLMES  and DR.WATSON (1955 version DNA and IBM)  …symbolic  life of proper  nouns inside the optical brain CITY of thoughts………  has ordered Counter-attacks  in American  dirty  photon tricks society…hence,

Sherlock Holmes   ordered attack  –> Hollywood  optical COLOR  movies …Aurora, Color  war in COLORADO with James Holmes.

Sherlock Holmes in Milwaukee Wisconsin —>  Oak Creek shooting  with MR.PAGE  from Nature’s Master brain engineering project profile……the MASTER    Sherlock =  S + Her + Lock  ——> Spectrum  Hertzian (Brain)  LOCK  –> system 370 applications signaling BLOCK  .. . . . . . . . .

  1. Officials name suspect in deadly Sikh temple shooting – Los Angeles


    Aug 6, 2012 ? Wade Michael Page, an Army veteran

    was a ?psycho  +   logical operations their investigation at the 3700 block of East Holmes Street in Cudahy, Wisc.

    Officials gather near the Sikh Temple in Oak Creek in Wisconsin August 5, 2012 following a mass shooting inside and outside the Sikh Temple. REUTERS/Allen Fredrickson

    Officials gather near the Sikh Temple in Oak Creek in Wisconsin August 5, 2012 following a mass shooting inside and outside the Sikh Temple. REUTERS/Allen Fredrickson

      1. Sikh community searches for answers after violent attack at …

        articles.chicagotribune.com ? Featured Articles ? GunmanCached
        You +1’d this publicly. Undo

        Aug 6, 2012 ? A woman is led out of the Sikh temple in Oak Creek, Wis., on Sunday … in the 3700 block of East Holmes Street in Cudahy.

        SUN –> astronomy war report  ..Galileo  the DEFENDER (of Earth from the alien thougth invasion)
        SiKH –> Spectrum interface KH   —–> with General  Carter HAM  CLUE

        Amateur radio call signs of Oceania – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

        You +1’d this publicly. Undo

        Amateur radio or ham radio call signs are unique identifiers for more than 2,500 licensed operators …KA#, KB6, KC#, KG, USA Islands, ..

        standard US prefix, KH# .

        amber hall radio virginia radford
      2. Thus we have the Pentagon communications mutations …to bio-ham-radio wars  … GEORGE ORWELL  and COLE Hall …Oceania .

        Amateur Radio Nets

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        W1NPP.org Home of Androscoggin County Maine Amateur Radio Club ARES RACES CERT CART Auburn 146.610 repeater. …Amateur Radio (Ham) Nets and Frequency List. W1NPP Home page….WWVB Fort Collins, Colorado 60 kH…   —>  Aurora   Killing (by)   Holmes

      3. View Article – Springe

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        The advantage of the cohort of amateur radio operators was the large

        number of … Paternal occupational exposure to radio  freak

        electromagnetic fields and …


    Thus we  see   CLUES to a   mystery.